Helpful Resources

These resources are articles, sources, and quizzes we have found useful for fact checking, learning more about the bias in media we consume, and learning more about ourselves. We believe being an informed voter is important, and key to being an informed voter is learning how to find reliable information and verifying what you hear in the news, on social media, and in daily conversations.

Fact Checking

There are many resources for fact checking. These are two non-profit organizations devoted to fact checking with a high level of transparency about their funding, and emphasize fact-based reporting (usually) devoid of loaded wording.

Media Bias

These sites have been incredibly helpful for learning about bias in media. Some media sites are more left leaning or right leaning. Others may used loaded wording in their reporting to incite emotional reactions in their readers. We hope you will use these resources to learn about the bias in sites you frequent.

Personal Bias

Do you know what your own personal biases may be? Recognizing your stances and identifying the issues important to you can help you understand how to communicate with others, who may feel differently than you. These links may be help you identify and learn more about your political ideals. The results may surprise you, as you may have more in common with others than you realize.